2022-12-17 CoPeSe
This Page URL: https://bit.ly/Report1217
A series of Empathy Cafes for individuals, bridge-building leaders, and peacemaking organizations seeking to heal a divided world through the power of mutual listening, mediation, empathy and dialogue.
Join us is an Empathy Café to dialogue about, 'What is the role of Empathy in Conflict Transformation, Peacebuilding and Security?' We will divide into small groups of 4 to 6 and use the Empathy Circle process for the dialogue process.
With Conflict Transformation, Mediation, Bridging, Empathy, and Peacebuilding Community
Wonderful group of people practicing empathy in various contexts; gained insights on how I can be more effective in different situations.
The sharing had great emotional depth. A number of us had emotions "triggered" due to the depth of the emotions discussed on a personal level by some of the members.
It was quite wonderful
Build Community: Meet and network with fellow CoPeSe members.
Mutual Support: Connect with others in the field for mutual support.
Networking: Build Relationships with others in the field. A place for Mediators and Conflict Resolution Experts to network
Learning and Practising: Learn the Empathy Circle dialogue process. Take it home to share with family, friends, school, work, your community, etc.
Deepen Listening and Empathy Skills, for conflict mediation and peace building.
Explore Relevant Topics: Explore the topic together and come up with new insights.
Information Exchange: Share and retrieve the newest info on peacebuilding and conflict transformation.
Saturday, December 17, 2022 Monthly Empathy Cafe
Dec 17: LinkedIn Event https://bit.ly/3FHf80R
Dec 17: Facebook Event https://bit.ly/3i3ZT8j
Dec 17: Feedback Form https://bit.ly/3EUVa1P
Registration Form
28 responses
Your First and Last Name ...
Your Email ...
Do you have a Personal Website, LinkedIn or Facebook page? Add URLs (so we can connect with you.) ...
Your City and Country?
Clearlake USA
Islamabad Pakistan
Senigallia Italy
Chapel Hill NC USA
Kendall, Washington, USA
Semarang, Indonesia
Oakland, USA
Wichita, Kansas
Springfield, OR, USA
Sunnyvale, CA
Syracuse, NE, USA
St. Paul, MN, USA
Richmond, VA, USA
Abuja, Nigeria
Kolkata, India
Kobuleti, Georgia
Addis ababa, Ethiopia
Copenhagen, Denmark
Baltimore U.S.A.
Ashland, OR USA
Sri Lanka
Hamden ,NewHaven
Port Townsend USA
Warsaw, Poland
Why are you interested in taking part in this Empathy Café?
see other form
Mental health subject is super close to my heart. Empathy cafe is quite interesting topic and eager to learn new and practical approach that will contribute in peacebuilding and reduce interpersonal conflict.
I'd like to discuss about it
the topic
Learning, last time i signed up but couldnt attend, hopefully this one can
I believe in the concepts. I work with leaders and teams in conflict. Empathy for self and others is the transformative way through conflict. I also am trained in restorative practices and facilitate listening circles and repairing harm circles. I teach compassionate ways of communication.
I work a lot with dialogue, and am always interested in seeing & participating in various dialogue methods
To continue to learn and grow
To connect with other colleagues/professionals interested in this work; learn the process; process problems I am working on through this process
new learning
Yes I am
It looks relevant to one of the pet projects I am developing these days
Peace building was one of my role at a government office.
eBecause I have a large print in brokering dialogue and policy soulutions in the areas of animal law and disability law. I also want to organize a summit on impact of conflict on health.
I enjoy the process and the people who participate in it.
Having worked as a peacebuilder in Sri Lanka for the last 15 years, I have been seeking for spaces to share challenges and learn from practioners.
Learn more about mental health support journey
want to witness other people being truly heard; hope to be heard and understood
I would like to spread it to friends and might facilitate in Swedish to make it easier for people to join( If enough Swedes turn up)
it is strongly related to my work experience and field of study
What Topics would you be interested in for future Empathy Cafes for the Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding community?
involvement of children in peacebuilding process, conflict resolution, psychosocial support
Practical Tools that support empathic communication
Will give it more thought. I have many tools and topics, especially restorative leadership and fair process in leadership.
How can we expand our view of "the other"?
How to focus on internal peace
Intergenerational Collaboration
Conflict prevention and resolution.
Self-Care for women peacebuilders especially when experienced with sexual harassment from male peacebuilders
How to build cultural sensitivity between global North and South as early career peacebuilders including questioning your own privilege
How to have a collective care group including women support group beyond competition for self development or funding.
Self love , being present, never is too late (start over life again ,chronic fatigue),trauma release
concept that the last word spoken wins as the truth
Climate change and how to find ways and means to engage for a future for all
building up the values peace and ethics among the youth community in my locality
Do You Have Any Comments or Questions?
Feedback Form
4 responses
Share any feedback about your experience in todays Empathy Café?
Wonderful group of people practicing empathy in various contexts; gained insights on how I can be more effective in different situations.
The sharing had great emotional depth. A number of us had emotions "triggered" due to the depth of the emotions discussed on a personal level by some of the members.
It was quite wonderful
Do You Have Any Comments or Questions?
No. Registered for facilitator training and looking forward to it.
At this point I intend to join on a monthly schedule and participate, bringing my own experiences to the meeting and helping to understand and enhance the experiences of the others, all of us growing in understanding with more depth what empathy is and how to use it for good.
What topics would you suggest for future CoPeSe Empathy Cafes?
What can one person do to help advance world peace?
Offer specific topics for breakout rooms. Ex: dialogues on HOW TO reduce gun violence
The understanding that while many experiences of each is different, many are relatable on similar levels and can be understood through analogy and "empathy", helping to learn how to heal and help others heal and open up with a level of trust and vulnerability that is not typical in our daily lives with our "best friends" and the like.
Will you attend another Empathy Café? 3 yes
(A1) If Yes, what is the reason you will attend again?
To continue to gain skills and practice in the art of connecting deeply with others.
good approach to resolving conflict; practice listening skill building
I see great inner value for myself in learning how to cope with my own pain, and how to speak with others about their pain, offering a level of comfort and support which again, is not typical with those we have daily contact with, from family to friends, even to counselors possibly.