2019-07-03 ACTIVISTS #6
Topic: What is your experience of taking part in an Empathy Circle?
In this Empathy Circle participant who have previously taken part in an Empathy Circle will discuss the experience of taking part in the circle.
* What do you experience?
* What feelings come up?
* What do you like?
* What do you not like?
* What would you wish for?
* etc, etc.?
About the Empathy Circle An Empathy Circle is a structured dialogue process that effectively supports meaningful and constructive dialogue. It increases mutual understanding and connection by ensuring that each person feels fully heard to their satisfaction.
Transcript to Clean.
okay this is our empathy experts or I
should say empathy activists circle
these are people who have worked are
working extensively on the topic of
empathy we're taking part in an empathy
circle here's let's get started with the
introductions I'm Edwin Raj director the
Center for building a culture of empathy
so for about 14 years I've been working
quite intensively on topic of empathy
how do we build a more empathic Society
interviewing hundreds of experts on the
topic and doing all kinds of different
projects so Martin would you like to
introduce yourself next okay my name is
Martin Golda I'm a mediator in British
Columbia in Canada when I my most of my
career was actually as an architect but
I became a mediator in about 1996 and
discovered that empathy was actually one
of the central tools of conflict
resolution and and I was woefully short
of it I often start my lectures by
saying that my empathy was surgically
removed in British boarding school and
there's a lot of truth to that so I
developed a concept of mechanical
empathy one might say my wife says I
should call it prosthetic empathy for
something you strap on if you've had
your empathy removed you can strap on
prosthetic empathy and in fact in terms
of conflict resolution it actually works
very well I would say I'm using the
intellectual side of empathy in that I'm
getting into content a bit here but
anyway that's how I got into the whole
subject of empathy and I went on a bit
of a quest about a 15 year quest to see
if I could find the real thing and how
at the time I started it was generally
thought that you know you either had it
or you didn't and but as it turns out as
we now know it it can be taught it can
be acquired and I've talked to me
PhDs with fMRI machines that confirm
confirm that so
that's who I am oh great thanks mentor
work in progress
smarten a so my name is min turd dial
I am 54 and live in Europe although
mixed baggage in my background I've
lived in Canada and United States
England France Spain Switzerland and a
few other places have been places about
space I was born in Belgium and today
I'm a speaker author filmmaker and my
last book I don't have a copy of it but
I thought I'd drum up a digital version
X I'm a kind of a digital geek it's
called heart official empathy I'm just I
don't know if you can see if there's not
so well here's some other more or less
blurred out anyway harder for sympathy
putting heart into business and
artificial intelligence and in the wake
of that book I've been looking at
exactly how to encode food empathy into
businesses and into machines and like
you March and I came into it saying well
I I must say I previously had come
across it as a wonderful concept running
business in L'Oreal where I worked for
16 years and and yet when I started to
write the book I realized that I too had
some deficiencies in the empathy
compartment and and I offers and I also
like you got very sort of focus more on
the let's say the cognitive side of it
rather than the emotional side which is
something more learn about I think than
the emotional or affective empathy
oh great well we're gonna have some a
chance to talk about empathy here we're
doing an empathy circle and I'll just
give a short introduction you both know
how to do it but for anyone watching how
it empathy circle works we have on our
website we have a one-page description
that's quite accessible so an empathy
circle is based on mutual active
listening so in this process one person
speaks and they select you they're going
to speak to and they talked about the
topic at hand or whatever is alive for
them whatever comes up that's you know
kind of a burning topic on top of your
mind or feelings you speak to the person
you're supposed to speak to your chosen
that person and you pause periodically
and that the person you're speaking to
reflects back their understanding of
what you've said sort of recap being
summarizing paraphrasing but just kind
of getting the essence of what the
speaker is saying and the intention is
for the speaker to be heard to their
satisfaction and the speaker will have
six-minute turn so you can speak for you
know six minutes on topic and then once
you feel heard to your satisfaction at a
time is up and you can say I feel fully
heard then it would be the listeners
turn to become the speaker and then
choose someone else in the group and
that person reflects back we go around
for the time allotted so a couple tips
that is the speaker you know you want to
pause periodically so the listener can
reflect back with their hearing the
speakers you say and also if you're the
listener and the speaker is kind of
going on and on you can say you can ask
for a pause though if you just pause let
me reflect back because it becomes a lot
to sort of hold you know the most if it
becomes multiple concepts so that's
pretty much the essence of it so in the
as a listener active listener you're
reflecting back the essence of what you
hear and you're recapping and you're
trying to avoid putting your own stuff
and they're not putting any judgments or
or die
nursing or advising but just really
trying to share what you hear the person
say so that's the other component so
this topic is a bit of a mecca a sort of
a topic it's what is your experience of
taking part in the empathy circle so you
know what are you experiencing what
feelings come up what insights come up
what do you like with you not like so
does that seem pretty clear and I'll do
the timekeeping as well and so it's
really about this this practice which
you know for my years of experience I
find this like the most sort of easy
first step sort of gateway practice or
trying to sort of promote it you know
create as much information and
experience rather as possible that's why
works we're using the process and
talking about it at the same time so
with that if anybody would like to start
you know select - you'd like to speak to
and we can just get the ball rolling if
you want to speak to me as a sample
that's good - or over anybody feels
motivated Marcin do you feel like
jumping in well I suppose somebody has
to do you mean as ELISA or a speaker as
a speaker okay yes okay well mentor I
guess I'll we're somewhat limited in our
choices today but choose it but you can
choose the Joker I guess at the moment I
mean one of the things I've wrestled
with quite a bit is in in mediations in
conflict resolution I often run into a
perception that any expressions of
empathy and compassion are considered
weaknesses to be exploited by the other
side and I have a friend in Brussels a
corporate lawyer and and she says
empathy is no part of my business I it's
just not part of my
seen at all and yes go ahead
so what you're saying what I hear you
saying Martin is that in your practice
of mediation you oftentimes come across
the notions that empathy and or
compassion can be scenes seen as
weaknesses and some people will have a
sort of a nervous reaction to it so I
don't want any of that absolutely yeah
and so I have an ongoing conversation
with this particular corporate lawyer
just because we became friends in Madrid
the conference there and you know and
it's not that I'm trying to persuade her
to adopt empathy although perhaps I am
and I'm I sort of feel like my mission
is to try and open her eyes to and for
me to find out from her experience you
know does them with the impact have any
meaning in the world that she exists
then of you know corporate lore and and
she does conflict resolution between
states I guess as well she does so but
you're sometimes feeling but not store
whether you are there to persuade her
about benefits or role of empathy in her
work her work me a little bit different
she's a lawyer and seems to be mediating
between states right and you know she
made the right maybe maybe empathy
doesn't have any place in her world and
I'm I feel a little unsure of that and
yet you know within the other world that
I exist in sort of more empathic world
where everybody is just like an empathy
guru it seems crazy to think that the
somewhere where empathy as Paul bloom
might say you know is there's not
appropriate so in in your world I assume
what you mean there's sort of your peers
as opposed to the
work of mediation with people who are
upset at one another it seems that there
many people that obviously have drunk
the kool-aid and think empathy is the
greatest thing and as useful for
everybody except mr. bloom who might be
against empathy right absolutely okay
well that was how we doing for time
okay okay okay so anyway that's one of
the one of the areas that that I have
going on the frontiers of my research
see I like yes the other one that's
that's really big right now for me is
that it's not so much the empathy thing
but it well I was really glad to see
empathy circles and extinction rebellion
kind of coming into some kind of
alignment there and talking to each
other I have a group called the final
run which is not only individuals final
run the period between say retirement
and death something like that also a
cultural violent or final run for
Humanity is paralleling that individual
process and and I'm not sure I mean it's
a kind of a separate thing from empathy
but then empathy infiltrates everything
and the final run for a moment in our
human culture is the dominant story oh
you were first of all saying that this
is this is a second big area of interest
to suppose within empathy when you were
excited to see how empathy circles and
the extinction rebellion threads were
weaved in and then you link in to that
this notion final run whether or not
it's the let's move it into the hospice
you know the ACA as we move towards
death and I suppose in stages before
that or on a more meta cultural level
the the end of civilization or somehow
some of our civilizations if that's what
I am
that's right yes and and you know how
might I mean Edwin has a you know very
strong model that he would tout I think
as as you know a sort of a solution to
everything in some ways maybe not you
can correct us on that later I went but
and I wonder I wonder you know I don't
know I you know could I go to the front
you know what does empathy look like on
the front lines and I I have a lot of
kind of unknowns in my life around
around the future unfolding and how it
will actually hit me and how I will
actually react in more extreme
situations cool if I understand
correctly you're looking at well you you
wonder how empathy will play out at the
front line wherever that front line
abstract is it might seem in terms of
the evolution of society and and where
he in control of that and how empathy
will play out within that you sort of
question oh and of course the finality
of the outcomes that might be facing in
terms of piety yes where if you you've
cut out a few things in that but but yes
basically I definitely feel that you
heard what I was saying so thank you
very much my pleasure
I'm assuming that you was technical
cutouts or because I was doing
abbreviations of your audios ranking up
a little bit I have a Parisian Wi-Fi
system as well yeah so Edwin listening
let me speak to you so empathy circles
let me start by talking about my
experience of them and then move into
what I think of them so my experience of
them was that I I really felt very naive
when I first embarked on them and as I
started I really felt very inadequate in
my ability to listen and I I could find
my busy brain going haywire and and of
course this is also at the very
beginning connecting into the new people
which confuses my mind so what I'm
hearing there is that your experience
when you're first started was one you're
feeling a sense of inadequacy so I'm a
bit of anxiety about that and then also
you have a lot of new people in the
circle there's sort of a so maybe some
bangs you didn't say they weren't
anxiety but may be so many anxiety
around you know relating to the new
people and then the in in the process of
the very first one how I I start to be a
little bit more
clued in to it then then there's members
the second empathy circle and it's a new
set of people I'm a little acclimate
it's the ideas and the procedures of it
and yet I can still see my limbic brain
coming out or at least other elements of
my reactions that confuse confound what
I'm hearing and all the same by the end
I feel like I'm back in a good place
where I am getting this and then now I'm
where I I get go oh you're breaking up a
little bit there you may want to pause
your video just because your voice is
breaking up not give you more bandwidth
okay so do me to say I'll say what I
heard so what I heard is like the first
day the first circulated be had so that
anxiety but you started getting familiar
with the process so the second time you
still had you know some discomfort or
but you are getting more comfortable
with the practice and then that's kind
of work where I stopped the hearing was
good to the point now that I I'm Garrett
in from I'm dialed in from minute one
okay so from the from the beginning
you're you're familiar with it and when
you get started like right now you're
just feeling more comfortable with your
my mind sets much more ready for having
done several of these not only by notion
of I have to meet Martin new person
obviously I know you
and and then there's the idea of that
mind space to be present enough to
really focus in on what's you know
what's being said by the individuals
okay so if you get more comfortable you
get more kind of present to be able to
be present with with people and now you
feel more comfortable and more present
an exam earns there that's right no but
that's that's the notion right so that's
my experience as to my opinion of them
so as a as a technique I like a lot of
the elements the process the notion of
two hours and the limited number of
people like an empathy circle with three
for example I feel like there's there's
more there could be more flexibility
within that and certainly for the two
hours on a practical level especially
since for me it's 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. it's
it's a whack that's that's dinner time
you know and we live in compressed times
so I feel like the two hours may be a
very onerous element on an ongoing basis
hmm so for the sort of practical aspect
the time is is difficult I mean two
hours for an empathy circle with busy
lives you know is is sort of it's
difficult and especially if it's you
know with finding time to work for the
people then you're doing it around
dinnertime and so that gets like another
complication I mean of course time is
precious for everybody so the then the
point becomes the usage of empathy
circles especially in my field which is
more in a business space and it seems
impossible for me to use an amputee
circle in a business environment
especially since it feels like the real
benefits start
sink in only it empathy circle two or
three the sustainable benefits the
benefit where I feel like I'm ready I
mean yeah so there's a with the empathy
circle it takes time to kind of work
your way into it into the second third
one and then by the third time you feel
comfortable you're ready to really get
in deeper and that it sounds like you're
saying that the the time aspect in a
business would be really difficult to do
that because you know just it takes so
much time
yeah that's right and if I have more
time I'd one that was six minutes but if
you only just finished well just the the
final element is that I feel like the
embassy circle is a good entree as you
yet there are going there needs to be
others that are you know maybe
sophisticate the elements of empathy in
a business environment so it's not just
listening to the words being said but it
might be decoding the emotions and and
everything else that goes into empathy
so there's a to make it practical in a
work environment you feel there needs to
be other sort of aspects brought in for
example how do you read feelings and or
decode them yes I feel hurt okay
then I'll speak to Martin yeah there is
one thing I like the term I think though
Stephen can be mentioned the empathy
takes time and efficiency as machines so
it's that notion that one thing about
empathy is it does take time you know so
that and I find it like with doing the
empathy circle it usually takes about an
hour to just through and even start
getting you know kind of comfortable
getting familiar with the practice and
they're sort of like in the second hour
where everybody is you sort of sink in
deeper and
that it's yes my experience okay so what
you're saying is that yeah empathy takes
a bit of time and Stephen Covey said
that empathy takes time and efficiency
as for machines and so your experience
of the empathy circles is in that first
hour or is where people are just kind of
coming to grips with okay so this is
empathy and the and the process that's
going on and then in the second hour
they start to okay I get it now and then
maybe something deeper happens in that
second balance yeah and the the practice
is basically built is just the active
listening a lot Carl Rogers who used
active you really develop the practice
within the therapeutic realm of sitting
with an hour with the client and just
listening to them in using active
listening or an ethic listening so it's
it comes from that experience and that
practice and you know therapeutic world
work the therapist just sits and listens
in a non directive way just hearing the
person who is speaking giving them space
to share and having someone that's sort
of accompanying them on their journey
without trying to tell them where to go
or what to do so one of the features of
empathy circles comes out of the
experience of the therapeutic movement
and active listening Carl Rogers and
others where you are as the chosen
listener in the interaction you are just
listening and paying attention and
letting the other person feel that
somebody is listening and somebody is
hearing me and get to the point where
Wow I've been heard and there's you know
all kinds the studies that you know for
a really good you know for a therapist
to do for healing you know an offer
healing that the empathy is in an ethnic
therapist is the it's like a requirement
the best therapists or the most empathic
ones in terms of for for you know
supporting people in in their healing
and growth so in terms of the again
coming out to the therapeutic model and
a healing modality within an empathy
circle the the best listeners the best
healers other people who are most
emphatic yeah and at least that's what
they're the studies I've seen have been
and then so we're trying to do is take
it out of this therapeutic realm where
there's you know a trained therapist and
bring it into a mutuality
so we're it's mutual listening something
that anyone can do so to make it sort of
reproducible to the to the masses so to
speak to the white you know anybody with
a little bit of practice do a couple
circles watch some and then you can
start taking part so it's something
that's you know takes it out of the
professional world and brings it into
just human interactions so one of the
things that you're trying to do with
empathy circles is to take the healing
and empathic mode and make it available
to everybody so not just you don't have
to go down to the to the therapists you
can get together with a bunch of people
have an empathy circle and and anybody
can do that yeah and when I did
something like you hear a mediator and
so I've done mediation trainings here as
well and from my observation if this
mutual the mediator is sort of like
trying to listen to and listen to the
different parties and ethically and then
get the parties to impact listen to each
other it's like the core practice it
seems to me of mediation and the epital
the core of that mediation you know it's
the core practice of if you had if
there's a conflict you bring it into an
circle the whole practice in using
active listed mutual active listening
sort of unravels the Gordian can unravel
accordion not most conflicts right
so in paralleling empty circles to a
practice of mediation there was a lot of
similarities that in terms of the
essence of a mediation and conflict
dealing with conflict is to empathically
go to each party and have each party
feel heard you know only by the mediator
but also by each other yeah kind of ten
more to say but my time is not my field
okay great
well maybe I'll talk back to you then
okay on this one you know yeah I really
liked what mentor was saying I mean
jumping straight into the the reason for
this I mean focusing on you know our
reaction to empty circles and and how we
have it have it have experienced them I
think you know for me I've often said
that I love the fact that you have those
two weights that you sometimes lift up
behind you and say it's all about the
practice practice practice you know you
just keep exercising those empathic
muscles and they get stronger and
the I think for me that the whole I mean
the listening is is the key really and
and sometimes it's pretty difficult you
know to actually listen to people and to
actually hear what they're saying
sometimes it's it's so page and and and
then my mind wanders or you know and I'm
not focused and I think the empathy
circle for me has been a really good
it's like an exercise it is like this
you know there's this so what you're
speaking to is the exercise it's a it's
a it's an exercising and a practising of
it it's analogous that I can use that
to that story and you know shows the
weights and so you do see it as a as a
practice and it sounds like sometimes
when you're listening to people it's
clear what they're saying and other
kinds of sort of opaque to so you could
have different qualities of hearing
people yes absolutely and and so my
experience at the empty circles has
always been that Wow you know and as you
know sometimes I found it quite hard
quite difficult and and then at other
times it just flows and so that probably
is the you know the familiarity again
that that meant to talk about of doing
it two or three times and and eventually
it flows a lot more easily and yeah so
sometimes you're noticing the different
qualities of it that sometimes when
you're taking part it's like it's it's
difficult and other times it flows and
perhaps part of the flow is just doing
it more yes and and then the other thing
that mentor was talking about there too
was the you know what he thought of it
and what he thought of the empathy
circles and so I was just thinking about
that a little bit I mean usually when I
finish one I'm thinking wow that that is
a really good technology I really like
that and it is very simple as you
mentioned - very similar as you
mentioned to some of the situations
might be in a mediation it's I you know
there is a part of the practitioners and
you know I've certainly been there where
you want to react to something to what
somebody else is saying you know as
opposed to just telling them what they
said and I think the the discipline of
you know going through that to just
reflecting what they've said it is one
of the powerful things and I've just I'm
just thinking about example the other
day on the climate change thing where
you know one
participants hmm really really very very
different views about that and it was
very hard not to react to some of those
years hmm
so again made part of the practice is
that like when you're listening to
someone you find that you know you're
wanting to react to them like they say
something you want to immediately react
and they're sort of in the practice
you're only having to listen so it's a
good practice just to listen and notice
actually an example you know in the
climate change where somebody was saying
something felt which may be sort of
outrageous you just really wanted to
react to it we had to sort of hold back
and just listen yes yes and so you know
when I you know think of you know you're
moving the empathy circle into
contentious realms you know with the the
protesters at Berkeley or or or the
climate change thing where you really
get people on on with different views a
you know I think for a long time I
wondered how useful is it going to be
you know how people will people play the
game you know will they abide by the
rules and you know no I just want to
shout you down and and I I guess I'd be
interested in hearing no stories more
extreme situations - yeah so you're
you're wondering like in really
contentious situations with people doing
empathy circles would they stay with the
practice and the process so they just
you know start yelling at each other and
you're kind of interested in hearing
like stories about it and so I just kind
of curious about that yeah yeah no I
shouldn't hearing some of your views on
that I don't know if I feel fully hurt
either okay okay no I'm I I mean how
could I not feel fully heard talking to
you hey you feel full you're like me we
listening to you
okay then I'll speak to thanks major and
you meet it so I saw had my video off I
suppose I could do it when I'm not
speaking but in this case to keep it
I need to get so okay let's see wow that
was great so yeah there's some things
coming up one thing sort of responding
to mentor you're saying that you know
about the empathy circle being sort of a
there needs to be more in business I do
see it as the empathy circle is like a
first step but it's like a really
important first step and it's like and
like with the practice it's just like we
I feel like you need to practice it you
need to get really comfortable with it
just like when you're getting more and
more comfortable with the mentor that
you know if you just keep doing it and
doing it get more and more that comfort
kind of gets deeper and deeper ingrained
and I think that's a real that's what
what the practice of it is is that that
getting really really comfortable with
the practice so while I had mentioned I
needed a mentor had mentioned more
complexity maybe other elements
necessary you reiterate it is a first
place first base and yet really
fundamental element that needs to be
practiced on a ray or an iterative basis
yeah yeah and it's something that we can
teach every person in the world to
become a facilitator it's within it's
sort of doable in terms of like you know
everyone could learn the practice and I
think it would be like a first it'd be
sort of like a first step momentum to
get people to go down that path the
empathy path so if we can necessarily my
sort of goal is around the empathy
circle really to sort of mass-produce it
and then make it something that's just
accessible for everyone to do because
people can get a lot of benefits out of
this you get a lot a huge amount of
payoff then
fits just with this first basic practice
yes so you're looking at the empathy
circle as a way to democratize the
notions and you see it as being
something that many people could
facilitate once you've done it a few
times you can get the process and you
could make it therefore easier more
accessible to many more people
yeah for example in my family this
Sunday we're going to be doing a family
empathy circle and we just did one you
know a month and a half ago so we have
this issue in the family that the last
one was four hours it will probably go
another four or five hours this Sunday
so we get the family together and we you
know just kind of talk about this this
this family issue
and it really helps you know the family
members have become very trusting and
the practice things that would have
blown up before you know it's like
here's a oh if I just stick with this
practice and I'll be heard we'll be able
to work things through so that's just
something I can see every in any family
you know using this practice you know
quite quickly and you can really you
know get a lot of benefits in your
family or you know with close
relationships in terms of having this
tool to work out issues so you've used
heavily circle within your family and
articulated around one specific issue
it went on for four hours and then
you're gonna do another one and you can
see it going on same amount of time in
the process it's the
trust as anybody feels oh I'm beginning
to get it and I know that I at least
will have my chance to be heard yep so
it is yeah it is that trust building
aspect and and it's also a sort of a
fallback position that you can get
really good into practice and then you
can sort of let go of it than just
dialogue you know you can just turn into
normal regular dialogue but then
dialogue can break down right it's like
just kind of using typical dialogue
breaks down you say oh it's broken down
this is our fallback position is the
empathy circle so if it's sort of like a
safety net in terms of conflict that
okay we can just chat it's fine and
invariably things break down somebody
says something somebody gets pissed off
the tensions start rising you say up
let's go back to the fantastic listening
you know mutual empathic listening and
then you kind of build up trust and you
can let go of it again so in the nature
of a conversation your family the
empathy circles you might switch off the
empathy circle technical elements so
move into a more natural organic
conversation you know but as soon as the
conversation and then starts wobbling
and issues start returning back into the
conversation you can circle back and use
the embassy empathy circle to normalize
maybe safety at you word used allow us
to come back to some kind of safer space
and then continue on exactly I still
fully heard thank you my pleasure
so let me for the sake of keeping the
rhythm different I don't know I'm going
to speak back to you add when so
I have my let's say my angle of course
is very much my business filter and I
also have this AI filter and I have
explored how machines could detect
empathy and that's sort of where my
baggage is when I come into this you
have two areas that you're focusing on
is is the business empathy in business
and empathy and AI so they're sort like
filters or baggage that you're bringing
with you absolutely as opposed to
mediation or let's say family issues and
as such I'm quite interested in in
understanding and building up context
call it data points in AI and reading
emotions such as as they are expressed
through so many different ways including
voice facial expressions heartbeats body
language and as a result I'm curious to
see how empathy circles could evolve to
allow us to pick up on these other
elements which are not I would say
intrinsic to the notion of strict
listening so you're looking at empathy
within AI as you know how do you read
the body language the tone of voice and
create these different data points for
artificial intelligence and you're just
wondering how how the empathy circle
could sort of fit into to that framework
those AI and the technical aspect of the
computer aspirant the yes for it for
example at this very moment being Meza
you are only listening to my
you have no indication as to whether I'm
standing up I'm frowning and being
cynical sarcastic or whatever and
therefore you are focused on one single
signal which is my the words coming out
of my mouth
and the intonation that I have and
that's one form of listening but I could
very well be spinning a story and inside
by you crossed arms showing very
different type of body language but
that's not picked up in the empathy
circle as it sits so right now I'm only
hearing your voice and the intonation
and your body language could be
something totally different so you're
we're only picking up serve lunch at a
channel of your expression versus you
know the the physical how you're
physically looking if it's crossed arm
or you know whatever and I find I find
that notion of context and emotion
reading necessarily important in
building up cognitive empathy I leave
you to swallow that one so it's
important so it's important to have all
those sort of data points is different
for building cognitive empathy yes
and so yes if it sport it hard to hear
I'm sorry about that but the the other
zone of interest from for me is that a
this format is fungible so we can use it
for families and mediation but it
strikes me that the question we're gonna
debate is is structure is is structuring
so that if we're in a mediating or
conflictual environment the nature of
our ability to stick with that
constrained question or issue is deeply
important and and the ability for the
moderator to keep us focused on that
specific zone that we've mutually agreed
to an advance so one aspect of a
facilitator like or team leader whatever
keep people on topic instead of it kind
of drifting all over the place is that
yes it's interesting that you have to
struggle with the technical elements of
listening as well sorry about that
but I so my point was first there's the
complexity of listening and reading
emotions that go beyond reformulating
the words I'm listening to a larger z'
and to the nature of the issue that
we're discussing for example people you
know very well it's oftentimes much
harder to be empathic with them than it
is with a person you're sitting beside
on an airplane meeting for the first
time ok so there's there's sort of the
understanding part it seems to be
important that something you can have
really good understanding for someone
who you don't know personally you know
they've got an airplane we that you
could have deep understanding with them
it may be more difficult
with your family member yeah or issues
with more baggage more babies so I I
just was thinking in the empathy circle
the way I'm approaching this is layering
in these two other areas one is the
different emotional readings and context
data points are ultimately going to be
necessary for artificial intelligence
and two to think about the spectrum of
of people and issues that we're looking
at and I think there's a modularity that
could help us to make empathy circles
more efficient not necessarily in time
but specific to what we're trying to
achieve okay so you're saying that the
empathy circle could be developed to
make it more effective in terms of the
outcome that's desired yes keeps coming
to me is so the building on the empathy
in the empathy circle how did it sort of
expand it like I just keep focusing on
this first step but there is another
step that I think would be important
which is the the feeling part is it as a
speaker you know we can deepen the
empathy circle by the speaker sharing
more of their feelings I could share
more of my felt experience right now
that would kind of contribute to the
deepening the emotional deepening of
this so the speaker can do something to
speak more from their emotional physical
space right so in this first stage of
the empty circle you kind of
where we focus on the the back and forth
the the act of the reflective listening
you're looking to move that into perhaps
the emotional level so what can the
speaker do in telling their story that
carries more emotion and can that be
reflected back by the listener yeah
and it's actually easier for the
listener to reflect back feelings and
complex you know concepts I've noticed -
so you see yeah so for the listener to
reflect back feelings they yes they I
can immediately see that sorry as
opposed to from sometimes we get into
some very complex wordy things and the
listener has a hard time yeah so this
was actually already with Crowell Rogers
and his grad students because there's a
whole field of how to take it to the
next step and all these different grad
students of Carl Rogers kind of took it
off in all kinds of different directions
and the one was Jean gentleman one of
his grad students who said who are the
people in therapy who are having the
most growth kind of like emotional you
know working through their problems and
what is it that's making them more
successful and from his studies it was
the people who spoke about their felt
experience in the moment and shared
their felt experience in the moment had
the most growth so he developed the
whole practice called focusing which I
would call self empathy is to notice
your own felt experience in the moment
and and share that and then have someone
be accompanying you with empathic
listening so that would be a step you
know another step to deepening the
practice is for the speaker to get
really good at just sharing how they
feel yeah I don't I feel in them in the
moment you know I feel pretty excited
about the topic here I feel kind of
relaxed and spacious I feel kind of a
sense of warmth you know towards you
know both of you for kind of exploring
this topic so that's just some of it I
feel sort of yeah sort of a spaciousness
okay here he has to be so so from Carl
Rogers working and the various students
who went off and explored his work more
deeply one of the subjects was who's
getting the best results and and how is
that happening and it was discovered by
one of his students I don't know the
name gene gentleman who discovered that
the people who shared more of their
emotional states in the moment tended to
get the better results and so you're
thinking if we apply this to empty
circles where people are encouraged
perhaps to to share more of how they're
actually feeling in the moment at a very
emotional level that might be a place
for empathy circles to explore some new
territory yeah that would be a next step
and I shared some of my experience too
so that was just as an example how you
felt very expansive and whether some
other ones you know just excited I did
yep and okay I know there's things yeah
and then you then you thank just for
sharing this experience yeah I was
sharing my gratitude I felt I feel
gratitude that you're here you know
talking about this and exploring this
together so I do feel gratitude for your
participation okay you feel gratitude
yeah the other thing about deed I've
been Dean you know just recently in the
last year it's just been sort of an
explosion of talk about empathy and
artificial intelligence and the one
concern I have is that it's like here's
this simple practice of just doing
empathic listening but people want to go
off and do all this complicated computer
stuff you know and I would like to see
them first master this simple practical
step on all those people all those
all those writers that I see can you
just learn and practice something that's
sort of accessible and I've been I've
talked to artificial intelligence people
in Eric just seems like oh yes kind of a
I'm not saying as for the mentor but
this is like it's a sales job and it's
like but they couldn't even do a
empathic listening you know what I mean
it's I get it I get a little concerned
about that that it's becomes like is is
hot topic but you know how about
starting with just the you know have all
those folks who are studying artificial
intelligence just learn to do an empathy
circle to begin with and then built it
would actually see it would actually
help in the development of the
artificial intelligence I think to have
those deeper personal experiences okay
so with the the fact that you know in
the AI well the exploration of ethics
and empathy is a really hot topic you're
feeling that perhaps all these people
who are studying that could use an
empathy circle or two to just come to
the basics oh yeah learning some of
those skills on the front lines of their
lives and it would improve their there's
this the work that they're doing I think
right and so then they could take that
experience and start applying that in
the work they're doing in AI yeah I
thought heard thank you okay thank you
okay well I'll just keep moving around
the circle then and and down to your
mentor and I'll stop I'll stop my video
well no you don't have to while you're
listening if you like actually they're
leaving the problem Oh eNOS it is really
nice just wish to see you as opposed to
the light and of some some code across
there that comes when you're not there
if you start breaking up I'll let you
know you can see I have a pit behind me
here that's France up there au revoir
save you know give you some okay it's
the waterways we have a boat in
nice so okay I am those were some real I
mean this is just so exciting I I am
think what it's excited to be here I
must say you know and it's and it's
funny because it is such a simple
practice and yet within that simple
practice there are like so many embedded
skills and that make me happy to be here
and then and then you know with meeting
you mentor here too is also extremely
exciting to you know to to hear such a
if I might say such an intellect you
know talking is just always really
really exciting so thank you for being
here well I shake my head in tote I I
shake my head in total judgment try to
try to refuse the judgment that you're
maybe but anyway that was service I'm
not sure what sort of sense of humor
that was but anyway what you are
experiencing is excitement of how the
amp can you hear me okay yep how the
empathy circle is a seemingly simple
exercise but it it very quickly explodes
into many more different pieces that are
interestingly interesting in their own
elements and anyway you're enjoying the
experience of this empathy circle yes
very much thank you and and where could
it go I mean this this AI thing is as
Edwin was saying it's obviously very big
and obviously you're very much into it
and I even had a little conversation
with aggregate IQ about it the other day
but as being a Victoria company you know
here in Canada but
it's you know whenever I introduce the
concept of you know empathy into the AI
conversation there are a lot of head
shakers you know if you know you have
the old classic of the automated car and
the old lady and the kids on the
crosswalk you know and how does the AI
make that kind of decision
and then it's becoming much more you
know it's moved to so much more complex
levels now so you're and you're talking
about the body language and and all the
features that you know facial
recognition software can detect about
speakers as being part of that input
it's at the moment it's just like a huge
humble jumble and you know in my mind
it's definitely not organized and just
to finish I'd say there's a really very
funny video of a guy and and his
daughter or a little kid like a
one-year-old at 1:51 and a half year old
kid talking and and the kid is going
well or light or light rather and the
data all right oh yeah wahhhh
and the king of madra and they have this
long conversation with absolutely no
worse than this like this it's you'd
swear they were talking and they are
they are talking there's definitely a
conversation happening there between
them with this this child language what
would a I make of that I wonder so a lot
to digest so looking at empathy in
artificial intelligence which is a
burgeoning area the complexities within
it let's say we're far from convincing
you of the possibilities or maybe
probabilities of it anyway within
artificial intelligence and you're
useful you know say
on the fence as to its possibility and
you you reference the idea of of all the
other elements to go into a conversation
including nonverbal communication
because in that case you have a father
and a child who aren't verbalizing words
that are cognitively recognizable but
still are conversing and probably
there's some sort of empathy and emotion
going on there and what would a machine
think about that absolutely yeah I think
it's not so much that I'm not convinced
that this is a part that we or almost a
rabbit hole that we're going down it's
more that people in in conversations
that I'm with are not convinced about it
I I think I'm you know I would certainly
be happy to be on the frontline of
working with you know artificial
intelligence people on some of those
issues because I it is fascinating
although I confess that when I was
saying that I do feel lost I feel very
lost in that in that in those realms so
you you come across many people who are
do potata v' about the idea of empathy
and AI
you're excited about it yet it's let's
say a vast if not confusing topic
absolutely yeah
so where so is there someplace I empty
circles as as I've been saying it's this
simple technology it's an it's like an
intro and introductive technology how
would how would empty circles fit into
you know this burgeoning field of AI
empathy and AI and you know I I mean I
guess one tends to have mixed feelings
about the whole world of AI but you know
you can have mixed feelings about
anything and it still comes rolling down
the pike a so
you you sort of have to just kind of
take it on as it comes no so we're not
sure about the possibilities of empathy
in AI but it does seem let's say more
likely to be a in our future and then
the question is how do we take it on and
it's going to be every each one to their
own because everything can be good or
bad it depends how you use it if I can
reformulate yes yes there's certainly in
essence yeah that's - I often say to
people you know you can build a house
with a hammer or you can hit somebody
over the head
so say okay well no I feel heard on
heard on that thank you lovely so I'm
gonna come back at you Martin with video
in queue you can raise your finger or if
you need me to kill the video that way
you can practice just audio so empathy
circles as a method have
definitely improve my understanding of
listening skills and I understand their
benefit as an introductory element i yet
need to figure out step two step three
because change in a in an organization
typically can't just stay at the
listening space for example at the
conclusion of every empathy circle the
the business minded individual want to
know all right what do we what do we
agree on we agreed on we might be better
listeners okay so the empty circles for
you have have definitely increased your
appreciation and abilities perhaps even
in in listening and how do we move that
into the next step in fact what is the
next step of that process because within
you mentioned the business context for
instance you would come to the end of an
empathy circle and people would want
some answers they want it laid down okay
what did we decide you know what is that
and and is that a piece of empty circles
that needs to be developed or just like
in presumably in mediation you you or
the issue that's at hand we could talk
about an issue that's non contentious
and we have a nice time but nice times
to forget a word in a business
environment about that kind of need to
have a an objective and a resolution and
if you have mediation you kind of want a
solution to the issue that you're
mediating around and therefore as a
judge in a courtroom will decide there
is a decision or or some resolution and
even the expression of the resolution
can it by itself be contentious right so
with the empathy circles I mean you
still or rather with a mediation moving
into that kind of model as you come to
the end of the mediation there is a
decision needed or an outcome that is
desired and by the parties and how do
you how do you how do you bring that
into the empathy circle context did I
get that right that's right because
ultimately in a courtroom typically
there's a judge which with a gavel that
bang and says the decision worded
hopefully with some empathy according to
the loser in the winner or whatever yes
so in a business environment whether
with forgetting mediation we might be
talking about an issue you will use the
empathy circle as a format to resolve or
improve our abilities to work together
because maybe as a team we stopped
working functioning well
and as you maybe a little bit what
Edwin's had before is if you move into
the organic form of life where we
converse in a natural way it can become
a method of of coming back to so it
almost feels like that might be an
interesting area to formalize moving
from empathy circle organic conversation
back to empathy circle and and how that
process could be more formalized in its
way back into a work environment okay
okay interesting idea so so because the
there was a desire in many of the
situations where the empty circles might
be introduced as as a problem-solving
technique but there was a desire for
some kind of outcome and how one of the
processes that might achieve getting to
that outcome would be to allow the
empathy circle to move into a more
natural dialogue until its needs through
until it goes off the rails or something
like that and then has a there's a
process a formal process to take it back
into the empathy circle again and so you
would have this natural mechanism to go
into dialogue and then back into the
empty set empathy circle I feel heard
that I feel that that could be really
interesting in a work environment and I
would I would want to give it all but I
would agree that that would need at
least two hours because you need to sort
of exercise empathy circle Ness then
move into conversation honest and then
see how it wobbles and then bring back
empathy circle miss in a natural way
such that it
presents how we are in real life because
that's the issue is you move away from
the two hours into the other 22 and it's
and and what we need is that to exist in
the 22 mm-hmm okay a little reluctant to
give up your objection to the two hour
time frame however within with these
added mechanisms of moving into natural
speech and then back into empathy circle
mode you can see that two hours will
probably be sort of a minimum time for
that but and and and and that's
definitely an area in your view that is
worth exploring in a in a formal way
thank you March and I feel hurt okay
you're welcome thank you
okay well I guess I'll go on around the
circle then to a way listening I I you
know there is a natural part of me I
find in the empathy circles and then
other people too I'm sure that
continually wants to break into that
normal dialogue mode and you know I've
been in many situations where a very
structured environment has made that
break into a natural and and sometimes
well but more often in my world not well
it the structure of mediations which
have some similarities to this you know
if you just kind of let it go ragged it
can break apart pretty quick and and you
know you end up with everybody shouting
and then you got to kind of bring the
whole thing back to square one and start
again sometimes it's good so
occasionally you know some people
sometimes people just like to get you
know they got to get the steam out
sometimes you just got a loan go
you know have a big dump and get it all
out and then you wait until all that's
done and then you kind of move in to a
more structured approach to a solution
hmm so it sounds like there's two parts
that one is in the in the practice we've
been doing now you've been feeling like
you're wanting to just start speaking so
it kind of a ten desire to just kind of
go into the whatever's on your mind how
to respond and then you're just noticing
that as well as your then you're looking
at with in mediation how does that have
you seen that work where you know you
have the note the structure and then
sort of no structure by just doing
whatever you're reacting however they
want and sometimes just have to let
people react so they can express all
those pent-up frustrations and then you
can go to the structure so you're just
sort of exploring the relationship of
that structure and so not having that
structure right absolutely I'm just
wondering whether it's you know whether
we should almost give it a whirl you
know give it a try
whether we should so what would that
even look like I you know having been in
empathy circles now I don't even know I
don't even know how that would work
because usually it involves you know
somebody's speaking somebody else
speaking and then somebody else coming
in and I don't even know how it would
how you would break into that and break
out out of them so kind of moving from
the structured process into dialogue and
then back into it like Minter was
talking about as well you're not quite
you're not sure like how that practice
was would work even may be thinking of
suggesting it here and how could we just
go into you know dialogue without you
know the practice process the structure
right right so and you know within that
dialogue mode it would be the sort of
thing where I would or one of us would
ask a question and then somebody would
answer questions so I might ask you a
question within the development of
empathy circles to sort of
true or or what do they say now dot 2 or
something like that
empathy circles I might say well what
are your ideas on that ed what have you
got in mind and then you would you know
say well actually this is what I've got
in mind and oh that and then Minda would
say oh well that's really how about this
question so I guess you get into this
kind of question and answer exploration
around the group there's some maybe
there's some little kind of structural
you may maybe they are in fact other
structures that are as highly
disciplined as this one but are just a
bit different mm-hmm so there could be
you're just saying how you can transfer
transfer from this structure to another
structure and they everything is the
structure I guess in that sense there's
another structure but how do you move
from one structure to the other which
has different you know qualities and
nature to it it's kind of thinking
different rules like how do you shift
between these structures yeah yeah and
then as soon as you as soon as you relax
the rules or not relaxed but shift to a
different set of rules it also creates
license for people to behave in
different ways
oh that rule doesn't apply anymore now I
can do this yeah yeah yeah so when you
shift the rules you can act differently
and behave differently and more and I
must say one of the things I like about
the empty circles is is the rigid
structure I I find and I'm really
surprised that people go along with it
but maybe the people who don't want to
go along with it never show up that's
why you have a problem getting a right
wingers in your left right conversations
you know because this it's maybe it's
too tight for them or something I don't
know so there's a little surprise like
here's this rigid structure and surprise
that people like go along with it you're
just kind of exploring like well maybe
some people just don't want to take part
in that rig destruction they just
wouldn't show up and maybe the right is
medical writers like that you see that's
that's so excellent I was trying to
trick you there I was I was trucking I
was trying to get you to comment back on
what I would say as opposed to just
reflecting it this is a little trick
yours like really let's get see if a
word would respond back and you know
it's just just reflected and there you
go well thank you very much I feel good
okay speak to Mincher then yeah the
whole notion of a I assisted empathy
circle sounds pretty good it's like
there's the structure of the empathy
circle and it could be sort of assisted
with AI right there could be a it's tool
set or software or something that kind
of helps with the with the empathy
circle practice I'm not quite sure what
that would be I might actually have some
ideas but this the idea of it's sort of
a tool set in a sense we had a little
bit assistive as we're recording this
right we have technology that is
recording the empathy circle so it's
sort of like technology assisted empathy
circle that we have here since we're in
different parts of the world on top of
it so we already have a little bit of a
so there's an offer
sorry yes there could there could be an
opportunity for AI to augment at the
empathy circle although you have yes my
ideas but it's still let's say embryonic
as to how that would work but it might
be a layer on top of our technologically
enhanced anyway because we already be
doing video via remote empathy circles
yeah I had talked with someone from
Skype there was an engineer there he
contacted me and he was interested in
empathy and he was gonna start working
on a project on it and then we just had
a discussion about the empathy circle
and he started coming up with all kinds
of ideas he had like all kinds of you
know software that I'm not familiar with
but it has a lot of logic and
and when I told him about feelings and
needs as his part of the empathy circle
process he got really excited because he
saw a feedback loop that could be it if
you have a feedback loop within within a
process you can keep learning because
you're you have something to test
against and then so yeah and also yes if
there were unable to tag for feelings
and needs that could according to the
sub-basement Microsoft guy or Skype guy
helped to create a feedback loop so we
would integrate learning directly into
the process yeah and he had all kinds of
off-the-shelf you know tool sets that
could be brought to bear but then he you
know he got pulled off on to another job
and that kind of got dropped
unfortunately I think that could have
been really powerful I think that you
know like Microsoft with Skype or you
know zoom or Facebook they could be
using this process like for what they're
doing they have all kinds of conflict
you know they're they're defunding
people YouTube as well be monetizing
them kicking them off their platforms it
could be do their willingness to do an
empathy circle could be part of the
practice for conflict resolution so
there's a huge amount of technology that
could be brought into into these
platforms you know using empathic
listening then assisted tools right
artificial intelligence technology tools
to assist these dialogues so there's a
an opportunity even within these video
platforms to consider empathy circles as
a one of the conduits for helping
resolve some of the conflicts that we
have for example D monetizing kicking
people off YouTube because of something
that they have said or shared and
and we could use empathy circles to
resolve those type of conflicts even
within a zoom or a YouTube or Skype yeah
like they could have they said of kicked
off the guy from Infowars
his name right now the you know he was
kicked off of YouTube and what if they
would have said well if you want to stay
on our platform you have to do an
empathy circle with the family members
from Newtown who you're like you know
really attacking or you know criticizing
and saying that well maybe that's just
all made up those shootings so there
could have been something with sort of a
mediation and there's all kinds of
opportunities like that they could have
it the political left is trying to be
fun you know kick off the right and
they're kritis you know they're doing
stuff with YouTube saying oh these are
terrible people kick them off they kick
them off and then left right is all
pissed off and there could have been
something you know there could be this
could be a mediation that they could
sort of support between the sides right
so in the case of the guy from info
world being kicked off for presumably
saying something negative to the people
from Newtown for the shooting yeah maybe
they could have proposed rather than
kicking him off as a sort of unilateral
decision come back and say listen if
you'd like to stay on keep being
monetized this is the price you have to
pay and go do an empathy circle with the
people you slagged off yeah alex jones
for exact knows his names that's right
all right so this about this a feedback
loop that is again the work of marshall
who was a grad student of power rogers
that's why I just see Carl Rogers just
set this you know foundational empathic
listening is this foundational practice
and it's gone in so many if you look at
it's gone so many different directions
have been built on this one kernel of
the practice and Marshall Rosenberg
insight was well there's these feelings
just like Jean gentleman said but behind
feelings like anger you know sadness
there's feelings of that people are
desiring if they're angry they're
desiring respect or so the feeling of
respect or something so it's it's kind
of mapping out the territory of feeling
the world of feelings right it's like
there's how does how do these feelings
relate to each other what's behind
feelings and so that's that aspect so
that that was another piece in terms of
the feedback loop of the the needs that
people have you know the desired
feelings that they have some ways one
throw that in I see you're interested in
looking at the the ways we could create
feedback loops and and how Rogers
approached the therapy listening with
Armstrong was more the learnings you can
have outside of just the listening
element and it was Marshall Rosenberg
and nonviolent communication that was
sort of he developed that practice yeah
Rosenberg nonviolent communication
Armstrong don't worry I got that one
from the busyness in the mind but anyway
the idea of being able to integrate
feedback loops which could technology
could help by the way of course in
introduced into the empathy circles
exactly I feel very heard thank you so I
am excited by the idea of a layer of
artificial oh yeah whom I speak Martin
about the process getting natural on you
so I am interested and excited by the
idea of artificial intelligence being a
layer on empathy circles as some or many
people start talking about AI as
augmenting intelligence
or assisting our intelligence as opposed
to being a autonomous intelligence so
you're excited about the link between AI
and empathy where AI comes in not as an
autonomous force which is what a lot of
people think of when they think of it
but as an augmenting force so it it
helps the process and I think it's worth
mentioning the original ki was a machine
with the name Eliza and in the 1960s
Eliza was essentially a reef formulator
so the original AI machine eliezer in
the 60s was a reformulate er I don't
know what a rimmed Allies I will I will
explain so he Eliza was able to to
reformulate what she heard from the
person of course it was through text and
it turned out that the people in the
office where Eliza was invented wanted
to spend hours with Eliza because
fundamentally they felt more heard by
her than their peers or their friends so
Eliza back in that period would
reformulate the whatever was put in by
text and feed it back out again and the
people who were working with Eliza
actually felt more heard by Eliza than
they did by their peers who have when
they would feedback what they thought
they said so Eliza gave an accurate
reformulation of what the person has
said it wasn't necessarily accurate for
what they appreciated was the endless
time that Eliza was prepared to
do the listening per the issue of time
efficiencies that we have today and the
the infinite memory and the infinite
time if you will of a computer does
represent at the one hand a benefit and
that the other hand a threat to our
humanity if we don't realize that we
should be more empathic as individuals
so the facts and what they appreciated
most was the fact that Eliza didn't have
any time constraints they can sit and
talk to Eliza for as long as they liked
and Eliza wasn't going anywhere
whereas a human in that situation might
be keep looking at their watch and and
want to be out of there so they'd
appreciate at the time that Eliza was
willing to spend with them yes
so I also my final thought that I had
brought to the table before the empathy
circle about empathy circles so meta was
doing it in person and my own experience
to the date has been in the video format
where technology sometimes gets in the
way as we've experienced in this case
yet I have done now three smaller
sessions that are in front of people in
in conferences where I have three people
doing with in with not six minutes but
one or two minutes
empathy moments and and the experience
of those individuals in just a few
minutes inevitably illuminates
lightbulbs in their minds and sparks
tremendous reactions from the
individuals in the room
you've been you know within the
technological world which is what we
now and technology can get in the way
sometimes at the communication that's
happening so in the face-to-face
empathy circles and you've been doing
some of these in conferences with a two
minute or so time schedule and and the
reaction of the people who experience
that and the reaction of the people in
the room is is very dramatic it I'm not
quite sure what the reaction is other
than it's very dramatic
well like learning it's the drama in the
mind that might provoke the change the
the notion of being in public is
critical at this point because it
renders hyper difficult your ability to
stay presence focus on the individual
knowing that you have 60 pairs of eyes
for example looking at you and measuring
every word and whether margin got it
right or wrong and that pressure is a
simulation of the busyness that we
always feel somehow it's not similar
it's sort of like a proxy for the
busyness that we have I see so so within
these contexts where if you are one of
these people talking or reflecting you
are very conscious of the fact that you
have a whole audience they're watching
you at the time and and that audience
and that consciousness rather is a proxy
for the normal thing that you would feel
about trying to get stuff out and say
things it really Hyper's your focus on
to onto that feeling
yes I I've been experimenting and thus
would like you to say that one can gain
kernels of what I'm trying to achieve
which is awareness
our inability to listen awareness of the
interest in wanting to listen more in a
fabricated environment such as having
people do it in front of other people
which by the way we're doing because
this is gonna be retransmitted but you
and I right now we don't feel like we
have a million eyes on us but where are
we to be on television doing this Paul
right I would argue we would deep deep
you know noodle noodling around all
right Wow wow that's I got a like I got
so I got there my lack of ability to to
listen and and exactly what you were
saying I got so involved in in trying to
experience being in that situation that
I kind of lost the thread but what I got
was that the being in front of the large
audience of people well it said well it
certainly heightened the experience and
some in some way it just heightened the
experience of being of saying and and oh
I know what it was it was the ability to
become conscious of your own inability
to listen and to take you know take some
kind of action towards improving that
ability to listen it was that perfect
yeah so my gig is you know finding ways
for the reminisce we say in French carry
on effect and and when you spark these
kinds of ha
moments this is a lightbulb moment the
the learning moment where people observe
the inability observe the errors of
translation and say hmm maybe I should
remember this in the future
mm-hmm so I'm thinking more the
listeners but perhaps also the
practitioners in those situations
it's like having a bright light Shawn on
to their ability or lack thereof to hear
what somebody else is saying and to
reflect it back to them and and and I
guess to think that that's an important
thing to do I am feeling heard Martin
okay okay good
okay well I guess we're kind of running
out there aren't we how many more we got
here we had 20 minutes finance okay well
I guess I'll keep going around the
circle then and okay I you know I'm I'm
not actually sure that I have a lot to
say which is unusual for me this is it's
quite an exciting conversation and I'd
be certainly interested to see whether
you know whether any of the ideas that
have gone around here and how they would
incorporate it into the empty circles
I'm I you know I I think the empathy
circle as it is right now as you call it
a stage one
you know first lesson is is valuable
just the way it is but then when you
move into some kind of functional
application which is what mental is talk
about you know
we're where people are looking for some
outcomes which is more kind of my
territory then you know I can see that
perhaps some new technology some new
methods kind of that you can move to it
might be might be quite useful okay so
at first you didn't weren't sure what to
talk about and kind of joking that
that's something for you not to know to
talk about but then you had some ideas
that's really about sort of the that you
feel like you and mentor want some sort
of an outcomes from the empathy circle
and how do you move from sort of this
stage one to stage two and just sort of
wondering if anything will come come out
of it but then also valuing just the
basic practice itself - yes and I think
you know going around the basic practice
I it's almost like you want to do a
debrief I mean there was sometimes there
is a little quick debrief and at the end
of the empathy circles you have that
last round you know what did you get out
of this kind of around and and usually
it's a field as in my experience it's
kind of like a feel-good kind of put it
to bed kind of round but I guess I
haven't used an empathy circle in anger
if you like you know I I haven't I
haven't taken it to the frontlines with
me other than there are elements there
are elements of the obviously the the
the close listening and the reflective
listening that we use in in mediation
but I haven't sort of sat to myself in a
mediation said you know what this
mediation is off the rails what we need
to do is an empathy circle and here's
how it works and let's go around and do
this I haven't actually done that in an
actual situation but it might be
interesting to try and and just see how
it works where you just kind of shift
people I mean we often do the reflective
thing listen what I want you to do is
imagine being in the other person's
shoes I mean we actually do
you know and I want you to tell me what
you think that they think of this
situation what do you think they might
think of the fact that you did that
yeah and so we'll often do that kind of
technique which is a little bit you know
this kind of forcing them into an
empathic position hmm so you're
wondering like how it would work like an
empathy is using an empathy circle in a
real conflict with anger and you do sort
of role taking you have you have the
participants sort of like what would the
other person what would you be feeling
if you were the other person do you do
that sort of role thinking but not sort
of the empathic listening it sounds like
yeah yeah I I haven't watched the whole
video of the tent at the Berkeley of the
Berkeley can fracas there that you did
where you took the tent out and you had
that leader of the right came in and and
and I watched some little bits of it but
I haven't watched the whole thing so is
that something you would recommend that
I watch the whole thing because there's
some real nuggets in there yes you're
just wondering like would that be a good
example the right and the left talking
at Berkeley it I'd be a good example of
how to mediate a really contentious
circle using yeah using empathise yeah
no I was I was looking for an answer
okay so yeah you really would like an
answer and you feel hurt okay then I'll
speak back to you okay okay so the
that's the the circle that you're
talking about it only went for about
10-15 minutes and it was interrupted by
an Tifa or the group do you they're a
yelling and we couldn't even hear each
other talk so it's not the best example
of a successful empathy circle yet yeah
it because it was interrupted and then
we stood up and then those words like
surrounded by media we ended up doing
all these media you know discussions
which took us off from the empty circle
it is an example of what in an intense
situation something it didn't didn't
work totally well because it was so much
screaming and yelling around the
outskirts of people trying to shut it
down right oh that's right you're
talking to me yeah right I was listening
to the answer to all my questions that
you don't okay so you are answering the
fact that that that example of the
trying to introduce the empathy stoical
into a very tense situation only lasted
about 10 minutes in fact so I've
actually probably did see most of it but
it descended into screaming and shouting
and by the participants but by outside
people trying to shut it down they did
not delay the political left did not
want the dialogue to take place so they
were screaming yelling we were talking
to each other for me to just across with
a megaphone to hear each other we are
sharing a megaphone to speak to someone
like three or four feet away because
there was so much outside screaming and
potential violence coming in so that
wasn't the most effective you know an
environment for holding you know empathy
circle right so the participant
participants themselves were were ready
to go along with the new circle
technology but the outside the political
left in this case didn't want this to
happen for whatever reason was
attempting to interrupt shouting at very
short distances with with a megaphone to
Indiana and the participants were doing
great it was like in
easy it was actually quite easy because
the participants were doing a really
good job the next day we set up at UC
Berkeley again with our empathy tent and
the leader on the right he brought a
friend of his and there's a recording of
this and this friend of his is very well
known in the right wing because he was
one of the first to fight back against
the antifa he's huge he was a fighter
until he became a real hero on the right
for you know standing up and fighting
back and then the leader of the group
brought him to the tent and said this
guy needs an empathy circle so he sat
down there's no nt4 there's no left we
just grabbed somebody that was on the
left we sat down and did a half an hour
empathy circle it worked great I mean it
was yeah it worked really well
he's always nobody trying to shut it
down it was just it was easy to mediate
right right so the next so the next day
the one of the right wing guys brought a
lead at one of the right wings a leader
the leader of the right wing group
brought one of the members right a big
guy a fighter I said this guy needs an
empathy circle and you sat down with him
and and had a successful firing yeah and
the this guy his name was Kyle and
there's an article written about it and
as a video a bit too so I can say the
link he started he started playing a
little bit like he wasn't really
reflecting and you know he was kind of
making fun I said no you just reflect
back what you hear the other person said
he says oh this is serious so he took it
serious I mean he really tried to you
know take it seriously so in that
context I find you know you're talking
about the right if the right takes part
they usually really like the practice
they like the structure they like the
effectiveness of it is just getting him
into the circle but once they get into
it they tend to be very supportive of it
okay so the right the guy who came
you know at first it was a little bit
playful and just kind of like going
along with the whole thing but you said
no no you just reflect what you hear and
and so he said oh okay this is serious
and and he did that and then you go into
it and your experience has been that the
people on the right typically once they
get into the process and understand how
it goes actually do very well with it
and like him well as a ton of other
stuff I could say but I just see our
time we only got 11 minutes left so
maybe we'll stop here and we can just
kind of open it up for sort of a 11
minutes debrief freestyle you know
discussion anybody I felt that that
little exchange that we had there was a
couple of moments there where we kind of
like were on the edge of of just
dialogue as opposed black thing back and
forth mostly because I wasn't wasn't
really doing it very well but I felt
hurt yeah okay yeah I'm really enjoying
this I think we need three or four hours
is our family four or five hours in our
family and fifty circles yeah you're
just kind of getting warmed up but just
after a couple hours well that's amazing
these two hours have gone by just like
that I mean I did you know sometimes I
think two hours yeah that's a big
commitment you know two hours of time
but that went very pretty quick and yeah
I know it was a pleasure I think the
objective was specific and that allowed
for or you know we kept on track for the
most part you know with baubles and and
maybe in you necessary wobbles to move
around and explore different areas and
again it's interesting as you say Martin
how quickly time can fly I'm totally in
favor of empathy circles as a
preliminary base as a way to explore and
and democratize I'm more in Phase two
land and so I that's that's where I come
from this where I think about how to
embed it in to business where you know
50 minute meetings already sometimes too
long and there are just too many
meetings as it is and and while if we
spend more time thinking about strategy
and being nice to each other there or
these listening to another one could
speed things along for sure to get it in
the door you can't go in with a to our
regular empathy circle so need to
structure it differently as far as
putting it into business concerned yet I
think that you mentioned the half hour
version Edwin and or maybe it was you
Martin but we we can do shorter versions
that could have interesting maybe
spectacular effects maybe not quite as
long-lasting just like meditation takes
time to instill you're not gonna learn
to be a guru of meditation by one 10
you know guided session so I thought I
was right sorry yeah there's some years
ago I did a course called corporate
circles it's Maureen Fitzgerald she
wrote a book called corporate circles
and one of the lines that always stuck
with me was if you're arranging a
corporate meeting get there half an hour
early and hide the table and so
everybody is sitting around in chairs
with no table in the middle completely
changes the whole dynamic of the way
that people relate in that situation
let's go ahead we care
the chairs that - you could although
being Westerners we tend to sit in
chairs it's really hard to in
cross-legged on the floor you know if
you have them just standing up
definitely that's that's interesting I
hadn't I hadn't thought of going that
normally I do i do do corporate circles
and i do you know circles and many large
group conflict situations and it's
normally a little bit of the kind of the
Talking Stick and and the celebratory
object of some sort in the center of the
circle and everybody sitting on chairs
and round and it is a very powerful
technique sure you know we could use
that at Occupy Wall Street in the
empathy tent that and it was I just
found that people really wanted to speak
more please get a big group here is
limited in terms of you know how much
time you have to speak so the idea is to
break it up into really small groups so
it could be a lot more active you know
it can be a lot more active so that was
there's another one called dynamic
facilitation for large talkative groups
which developed by a guy over here in
Port Townsend in Washington State
Jim rough and and that's when you you
you set up four boards with recorders on
them and they each have a different
topic and thing they're recording and
when you go into the room there's always
somebody ready to burst you know they
just one other that it out so you go to
them first and so what you do is you
follow the energy in the room and as
that person talks you record everything
they say on these four boards and you
keep asking them how we got it
have we got everything got all your
points here and eventually they'll look
and they'll say yeah yeah I think you
got it off
you suck them dry and then they sit down
and shut up and you go to the next one
and you work your way down through the
energy levels until you get to the last
guys and then you say John you didn't
say much today why don't you got to say
you know and you pull them in and say I
know Rosa she's one of the he's doing
that that's right I forgot about Rosa
yeah so she's actually she and I have
worked a lot with the empathy circles
so and and she is now using empathy
circles as a gateway practice into
dynamic facilitation because it's that
initial phase where people are just like
dying to be heard yes and so by teaching
everyone to do an empathy circle they're
sort of Dino purging all that energy to
begin with and they're also learning the
empathic listening practice because in
the dynamic facilitation she said she's
actually called an empathic inquiry as
well is that is that the facilitator is
doing the reflection like it is an
empathic listening but the facilitator
reflects back what the speaker is saying
make sure the speaker feels heard and
then they put it into those categories
so start giving form you know different
buckets basically if you're using the
sign and they start organizing the
material you just keep going they she
does like you know two-day workshops you
know on this but now she's starting with
empathy circles as uh as a first step
because it kind of teaches everyone sort
of practices that is another aspect in
terms of artificial intelligence or you
know augmenting tools is to start
capturing what has been generated and
giving it form like one of the problems
were other solutions what is the data
and so forth so it yeah would totally
fit it's again the Gateway but again
this empathic listening is the gateway
to that whole practice so I close with
one final thought which is a problem a
friend someone who read my book says I
really love your book and it's really
great but I said well why didn't you
have you ever have you ever done an
empathic circle empathy circle and he
said no I don't know what it is and and
and my thought was well how do I get him
to know about it without him doing it if
you will with us to Shepherd him in and
it just struck me the problem I'm
voicing is
it requires a shepherd somehow to bring
them in like I would say a first trip on
LSD and once you're in your I got it
I know what it is I can do it but as far
as propagate acing it would be lovely if
I could just write out on my Twitter
feed hey guys do an amputee circle on
our problem but that won't fly you kind
of need to have someone rushing them in
and then they can fly by themselves
yeah what's great though this is part of
it of creating that introductory those
little baby steps that's I've been
working at then this circle is sort of
helping to build those baby steps with
trainings and make it really easy for
people to do that first step so thanks
for that
that's definitely what I'd like to
create today is there an Eliza today
where for instance I can tell a story to
my computer and then I can sit back and
my computer reflects my story back to me
and me formulated well the I would
suggest trying to ones meet suku which
is a they're both bots MIT s UK you
and the second is whoa bot wo e bo T and
they're both interesting experiments or
opportunities to to converse so as
conversational AI and they are more or
less I mean they're more sophisticated
than Eliza for sure Mitsu Kuh
I'm actually gonna have my podcast soon
the guy who created that Steve Wars
ouack he gave the bot as some agency on
top of that and it's won many years in a
row the touring Alan Turing test or a
reward so it's it's quite phenomenal and
we'll bot is interesting because it has
a sense of humor anyway try them out
okay okay well we'll close then thank
you very much very grateful for your
participation I learn
a lot and now look forward to connecting
in the future keeping the ball rolling
billing is everything